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In the world of comic books, many superheroes have become involved romantically with each other. Sometimes these were just hook ups, but other times these relationships resulted in life long bonds or marriages. Some of these relationships stand the test of time like the union of Reed Richards and Sue Storm, which is perhaps the most iconic marriage in all of comics. Other times these relationships take a dark turn, like when Hank Pym (aka Ant-Man) committed spousal abuse and beat his wife Janet van Dyne (aka the Wasp).
There are many famous superhero romances like Vision and Scarlett Witch, Kitty Pryde and Colossus, Gambit and Rogue, Cyclops and Jean Grey, Mr. Miracle and Big Barda, Storm and Black Panther, Green Arrow and Black Canary, and of course Daredevil and Elektra. There have been iconic supervillain romances too, like the Joker and Harley Quinn. There are also some relationships have been downright disgusting, like the hook up between Quicksilver and Scarlett Witch in Marvel’s Ultimate universe – they’re brother and sister! Comic book writers are always looking for new, exciting angles and storylines. In fact, in many ways comic books are almost like soap operas.
Superman recently broke up with his long time love interest Lois Lane, and instead writers paired him up with Wonder Woman. Many superheroes seem to have a strong connection with one another, but perhaps crime fighting simply puts too much strain on their love life and they never end up getting together. It’s fun to wonder, though. Here’s a look at 10 superhero couples that we would love to see become a reality.
10. Daredevil and Jessica Jones
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Jessica Jones has a solid relationship with Luke Cage, and the upcoming Netflix series will likely deal with that pairing heavily. However, she really should be with someone just as damaged as she is. It may not be in the best interests of the characters, but it sure would be fun to see.
That's why she should be with Daredevil instead. No superhero has had quite as many romances end in tragedy as Daredevil, and he needs someone that can relate. So, that's why we think he should be with Jessica Jones.
9. Batman and Wonder Woman
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Even though Superman and Wonder Woman are an item now, it is Batman and Wonder Woman that would make a much better couple. A potential romance between the two was heavily hinted at in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon from the earlier aughts, and the recent trailers for Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice also seem to suggest there might be some romance happening between the Dark Knight and Princess Diana of Themyscira.
However, despite all this and the chemistry and hints at a romance in comics like Justice League of America, Batman and Wonder Woman have never officially been an item in mainstream DC Comics continuity - only in else-worlds tales.
8. Batman and Catwoman
via comicvine.com
Batman rarely shows any mercy to his rogues gallery - that is except for Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman. Batman and Catwoman have never officially been an item despite the romantic chemistry and sexual tension the pair share. Even though Catwoman has tried to reform herself and change her ways she always ends up going back to a life of crime, and the Caped Crusader can simply never be with a criminal.
The cartoon Batman: Brave and the Bold suggested that the pair eventually got together, and Batman Returns teased fans with the possibility of Selina Kyle and Bruce Wayne becoming romantically involved. The pair even had a child in an alternate reality – Helena Wayne who would go on to be the hero known as the Huntress. However, they never officially got together in the standard DC universe. It’s about time that finally changed.
7. Spider-Man and Spider-Gwen
Before Mary Jane or even Liz Allen and Betty Brandt, there was Gwen Stacey. Gwen Stacey was also Peter Parker’s one true love, but her death at the hands of the Green Goblin meant the couple never got to live happily ever after. Death in comic books is never finite, and few characters ever stay dead.
In the Marvel 616 Universe, Peter Parker is Spider-Man, but in an alternate universe it is Gwen Stacy who was bitten by a radioactive spider instead, turning her into Spider-Woman. The Gwen Stacy Spider-Woman and Spider-Man recently teamed up in the Secret Wars comic book, and it would be very interesting if Peter and this alternate universe Gwen Stacey managed to become a couple.
6. Batman and Zatanna
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Bruce Wayne trained tirelessly and learned numerous martial arts to become the Batman. He even learned to become a legendary escape artist from the great Zatara. It was here that he met Zatara’s daughter Zatanna, and there were teases of a potential relationship between Batman and Zatanna in the Justice League Unlimited cartoon.
However, as it is with Batman, his life of crime fighting almost always gets in the way and he never ends up getting romantically serious with any of the women in his life – super-powered or not. These hints of a potential relationship never carried over into the comics, and the pair shared a strictly platonic pairing instead.
5. The Hulk and Black Widow
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Avengers: Age of Ultron pushed aside Betty Ross and gave Bruce Banner, aka the Hulk a new potential love interest in Black Widow. The relationship was hinted at, but nothing came of it in the movie as the Hulk banished himself into the unknown after he felt guilty for nearly destroying a city in South Africa.
The idea of Black Widow and the Hulk dating was something never hinted at in the comic book world, but maybe the books could take a cue from the movies and make this relationship happen.
4. Star-Lord and Captain Marvel
Star-Lord is perhaps one of the biggest womanizers in the Marvel universe. But he is a hero, and a true hero can’t sleep around like that, so we think Star-Lord really needs to settle down.
The Guardians of the Galaxy film teased a potential relationship between Star-Lord and Gamora, but perhaps another intergalactic hero would be a better fit for Star-Lord. Carol Danvers, aka Captain Marvel, seems like the perfect match for an eccentric like Star-Lord. Her no nonsense attitude may be just what a rogue like Star-Lord needs.
3. Ant-Man and Wasp
via www.basilmarinerchase.wordpress.com
Hank Pym (aka Ant-Man) and his wife Janet Van Dyne (aka the Wasp) are one of the most iconic couples in the comic book world, but what would it be like if a different Ant-Man and Wasp became an item? In the recent Ant-Man movie, Scott Lang became the new Ant-Man and Hope Van Dyne, who is the daughter of Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, was teased as becoming the new Wasp.
A romantic relationship between Lang and Hope Van Dyne was also starting to form by the end of the film. It would be intriguing if the comics took a note from the movies and this new Ant-Man and Wasp couple became a reality on the printed page just as in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
2. Superboy and Miss Martian
The short lived and much beloved DC cartoon Young Justice, hinted at a romantic relationship that would be a welcomed addition to the pages of any number of DC comics.
In that series, a burgeoning relationship of young love was hinted at between Superboy and Miss Martian. Unfortunately that show was cancelled before any real development of that relationship took place. Let’s hope some writers somewhere decide to give this pairing another chance with more depth – no matter what the medium is.
1. Deadpool and Squirrel Girl
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The pure absurdity of this hook up means it’s something that should happen. The Merc with a Mouth and the mutant known as Squirrel Girl would make such a unique pairing.
If Squirrel Girl started dating Deadpool, it wouldn’t be the first time she was involved with a hero who possessed a healing factor. In New Avengers it was heavily implied she had become involved with Wolverine. Deadpool and Squirrel Girl would be a relationship filled with fun and jokes, and what could be better than that?
Sources: comicvine.com, bustle.com